We didn't tell you this part.

For a few weeks we’ve been talking about this big change we’re going to reveal. And we raised our noses in the air and dared you to guess. But we kinda misled you. Not on purpose, but it’s been brought to our attention that we —Alabama Graphics — are not just “changing our pants”, so to speak.

Yes, our high-waisteds are heading for style heaven, but we have to confess that there’s more. This is a two-part reveal. So what’s the other part? Does it have to do with new pants? Well, sorta.

This is more like we discovered that where our nice, normal pants used to be enough for our business, it’s not true anymore. It’s more like we’ve had to try a whole other kind of pants. Or maybe we just need a second pair that’s different, more specialized. Like ski pants maybe. Or firemen’s pants. Something more than the average pants that serve other printers so well.

By the way,  you know we started out oh so many decades ago by printing for those specialty needs in documents for the AEC industry (architecture, engineering, and construction). But then we found that our expertise applied itself just as well to printing museum-quality digital prints. And banners for special events or store windows. And even POS or POP displays, maybe on plexiglass or laminated? That’s all Alabama Graphics too!

So just to blow your brains a little more, when you’re thinking of your next corporate event, big sale, family reunion, store opening, decorating your walls (yes!) or any place you might want larger, beautiful full-color prints (and on dang-near any substrate from canvas to paper to plexiglass), we’re here for you too. So think Alabama Graphics. See? We basically have a whole wardrobe of pants. (Click here to see some clever signage on framed canvas we did for an exclusive build for Dungan Nequette Architects).

Now back to our secret. Or, as we confessed earlier, secrets. If you haven’t guessed yet, give it a shot. Give it two shots. April is only a few weeks away, and we’ll spill it all that month.

By the way, if you want an awesome pair of ski pants like what’s shown here, click here. We’re pretty sure we saw a photo of Hugh Jackman wearing these.

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