Alright, now we're excited

Okay, we’re over the touchy part. We’re feeling pretty confident now. Change is scary, we knew that. That’s why we — Alabama Graphics — held onto our metaphorical “pants hiked up to our armpits” for years, even as the world strode by in its flashy bell-bottoms and then its hip straight-legged jeans. We’ve actually lost track of what pant legs should look like. See? Change is hard.

Instead we’ve been busy focusing on what our engineers, contractors and architects needed from us — their document experts. We saw their need and introduced them to some astonishing ways to go paperless, and make that cumbersome, time-warping communications process from subcontractor to architect flow much faster.

So now we build e-distribution rooms right on our customers’ websites, like for Garver Engineering. Basically they’re digital planning rooms.

With this web-based room, our customers can maintain project control and have 24/7 access to all the documents related to a project. From that one page, they can post their request for bids and make every document needed to create that bid downloadable with a click. Everyone gets the same info from the same place for the same projects.

And of course, tracking all that info becomes a breeze and breezes are what you’ll feel when you open your file drawers after you get one of these. Because it’s all online. Digital. Approvals, versions, comments. Stored forever, accessible with a few key strokes. Gotta love that.

Want to know more about our e-distribution rooms? Call us (800.292.3806). Or leave a comment, we’ll call you. Because though we’ve not really cared so much about our outdated “pants”, we do care about documents and serving our clients. It’s why we’ve been around so darn long.

Did you guess yet what’s coming? You’ve got until March 1 to figure it out, before we spill the beans ourselves. Leave us a guess. We might give you something. Maybe our worn out but cherished long-waisted pants.

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