Tag Archives: eCommunication

FAQ: How to Manage Construction Information

For more than 52 years, Alabama Graphics has been serving Alabama construction and design professionals. We have evolved with the advances in technology and the needs of the industries to not only be a reprographic company but to also be … Continue reading

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FAQ: How to Utilize eSuite

With eSuite, architects, engineers, contractors and construction managers alike can simplify project management. By eliminating unnecessary communications and printing, Alabama Graphics’ eSuite services can streamline public and private bidding processes. 

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Resolve to Streamline your Document Sharing in 2014

People don’t always take New Year’s resolutions seriously. Lose weight, exercise more and quit smoking are just a few of those little white lies we tell ourselves. Make a resolution for your business this year that you can keep. Resolve … Continue reading

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Get Organized for 2013 with our eSuite

The end of the year is in sight, believe it or not, so if you’re starting to think about plans for 2013, make sure you check out our eSuite of products geared toward making you more productive and efficient. eDistribution … Continue reading

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Keep the information coming with eCommunication

You know how many moving parts there can be in a construction project. And you know how many chances there can be in a project for miscommunication, and the valuable project time that’s lost because of it. With eCommunication, the … Continue reading

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The World Goes Mobile – Does Your Printer?

Seems like everywhere you turn today mobile computing is making an appearance – from farmers at your local market taking credit card payments on their smart phones to salespeople putting entire client presentations on their tablet computers. When plans are … Continue reading

Posted in Clients, Electronic Document Management, eSuite, Industry trends, Tech | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

eCommunication: Watch How it Can Help You!

We’ve written about eCommunication before, but sometimes a picture (or video) is worth 1,000 words. So we’ve put together this video to show you how our eSuite of products can streamline your workflow, minimize errors and reduce approval time between … Continue reading

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