Engineers at play

Oh sure, you think “engineer” and you see pocket protectors and serious faces. But nooooo. Engineers, we find, are just plain fun. You give an engineer a challenge, a vision….well, a cartoon, and then, BAM, they try to make it real. We love that. Continue reading

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We got overexcited, plain and simple.

You know how you have that favorite pair of jeans that are practically shiny where you’ve rubbed your hands on the thighs? Or the knees are only held together by wisps of cloth. Your spouse, your mother, the lady in the checkout line, all stare at you askance and beg you to please let them go? But you didn’t. So now you wear them secretly around the house, right? Continue reading

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Alright, now we're excited

Okay, we’re over the touchy part. We’re feeling pretty confident now. Change is scary, we knew that. That’s why we — Alabama Graphics — held onto our metaphorical “pants hiked up to our armpits” for years, even as the world strode by in its flashy bell-bottoms and then its hip straight-legged jeans. We’ve actually lost track of what pant legs should look like. See? Change is hard. Continue reading

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We've got a secret.

There are times when even the best need more than a rebuffing to fit the times. There are times when you outgrow your own pants. Well, after more than 50 years, Alabama Graphics has hit those times. It’s not like our waistband’s up around our armpits, but close. So no need to nudge us anymore, no need to snicker behind our backs or giggle when we walk by. We see it now. Continue reading

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Is that kid playing hooky at Alabama Graphics?

A CIS student at work for a local business.

Sometimes doing business isn’t about that business’ future. At our place — Alabama Graphics — every Tuesday, part of business is about Derrick Mosley’s future.

Derrick goes to Holy Family Cristo Rey high school. It’s private, it’s pricey, and it’s got an inventive, insightful curriculum called Continue reading

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Chickens livin' in loft-like coops? Inventive architecture hits the farm.

Henrietta and Jezebel never had it so good. They’re now living in a one-of-a-kind, multi-story home. But two thing are surprising about this. One is that their home was designed by high school students (but students on the track to becoming  some of our favorite professionals — architects, engineers, and contractors. And possibly farmers. We love farmers. Every time we open the fridge, in fact.) Continue reading

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Two cheers! (we're so not like all the other guys…)

Our First Huzzah Goes to…

Alabama Graphics Sheila Caddell

First we say, “Huzzah!” to our Sheila B. Caddell on her new promotion. Alabama Graphics has been making good use of her excessive talents since 1992, most recently as VP of Production. But that’s not enough for her or for us. So we’ve added VP of Sales to her title as well! Continue reading

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NAWIC Among the Lights

Zoolight holiday trainIt’s lights…it’s colors…it’s creative and mesmerizing. It’s the holiday season aglow. It’s Zoolight Safari at the Birmingham Zoo. This year, more than 500,000 lights warm the night in festive, silly, and fun shapes and entire scenes of wonder. Continue reading

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Buildings made from paper. Well, not literally.

When you look at a building, you won’t see the same thing that Jimmy Sims sees. He sees documents. Mountains of them.

Jimmy’s the VP of Systems & On-Site Services with us here at Alabama Graphics. Our AEC customers (architecture, engineering and construction) like him. So do we. So much so that we’ve kept him around for the last 20 years. Seems he likes us too. You can tell by the smile in his photo. Continue reading

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Is it art or signs? Project earns us a 2010 “Excellence in Construction” award

When Dungan Nequette Architects came to us with an interesting request, we were all in. As part of their Club House design for The Cottages of Baton Rouge, they also offered the services of their uber-creative graphic-artist partner, Chad Martin (from TheG Brand ) for the signage.

The special request to us was the production of Chad’s “signs” at a museum-quality level. We were excited. Continue reading

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