Happy Thanksgiving from Alabama Graphics!

In this time of gratitude, we give thanks for those around us who mean so much. We value your business and appreciate your confidence in us, and truly appreciate you sticking with us in 2011. Counting you among our clients and friends is something for which we are especially grateful.

We will have some exciting new services in the coming months, so please stay tuned for information about those.

We will be closed Thursday and Friday this week to spend the holiday with our loved ones.  We hope you and your families have a safe and joyful holiday weekend.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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Fine Art – Yep, We Do That Too

Sure, we’re a diversified printer who specializes in architectural (AEC) printing, but we’ve got a softer side, too. Ever wonder how large, high-quality prints of works of art are made? They’re made right here!

Alabama Graphics specializes in Giclee (pronounced, zhee-clay) prints, which are high-end prints for pieces of art. Fine artists and photographers prefer Giclee printing to other printing methods because of the high-quality, rich, true-to-life color, fade resistance and exceptional detail. Continue reading

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How We’ve Gone Green in Digital Color Printing

Going “Green” is the hip thing to do these days, but at Alabama Graphics, we’ve been “green” for years. We care about the environment, so we take steps in our Birmingham and Montgomery digital color printing offices to ensure that we leave as little a footprint on it as possible. How do we do it?  Continue reading

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On construction projects, we're Q to your James Bond

You know in the movies where all the secret agents talk into their cool wrist doo-hickeys and coordinate their every move so perfectly? Well we at Alabama Graphics know that every architect, contractor, engineer and owner dreams of that kind of seamless communication on their projects. So, like Q in all the great Bond movies, we built you a cool communication doo-hickey. Continue reading

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Paperless never felt so good….welcome to a better bidding process

Automated phone operators. Bad. Automated bidding management. Good!

If you’re an architect, engineer or owner ready to avoid the inevitable pitfalls of using humans and paper for all the steps and chaos that is the bidding process, meet eDistribution.

Easy to use and packed with industry-leading capabilities,  Alabama Graphics created this portal on the web  just for you AECO guys to distribute, manage, and organize project bids. Who’s thinkin’ of ya? We are! Continue reading

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Wish you had a printing division in your building? Wish granted.

Think how quickly your projects could move if you had professional printing capabilities right in your building. Your staff stands up, walks to the printing department, and drops off the project. No driving, no messengers, no wasted time. Continue reading

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Hangar garage in hiding

The problem-solving done by architects never ceases to amaze us. They take the darndest things and turn them into surprising, beautiful and always useful creations. We love a good artist, but a good architect also leaves us something to use. Continue reading

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We've done it! We got our new "pants".

Well it’s time! The reveal is here and …… listen for the massive rolls of slow, deep, booming drums …..It’s a whole new look and more for us!

When we saw how stylin’ and sharp we looked in this new one, we had no problem dropping our old comfortable and much beloved old look.

And that’s when we went crazy, flung away all the old look everywhere, and Continue reading

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Okay, fine you guessed one part.

Yes, yes, you’re oh so smart. And yes, we will now confirm the first part of our secret we’ve been dangling in front of you for weeks now. It’s a new logo. It’s a new look. It’s us —Alabama Graphics — being brave enough to say goodbye to our old friend that we had to admit had become as unstylish as high-waisted pants. Continue reading

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We didn't tell you this part.

For a few weeks we’ve been talking about this big change we’re going to reveal. And we raised our noses in the air and dared you to guess. But we kinda misled you. Not on purpose, but it’s been brought to our attention that we —Alabama Graphics — are not just “changing our pants”, so to speak. Continue reading

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